Loving Hands

"Loving Hands" Crocheting/Knitting Ministry

To bring volunteers together for fellowship and community while providing an opportunity to use our skilled hands and open hearts to make blankets and warm clothing for those in need of love, tenderness, and security.

We base our projects on wherever there is a need to help, but we primarily make baby layette items (hat, booties, blanket) and bereavement clothing for local hospitals and centers like Birthline, as well as warm hat/scarf sets & blankets for children and adults in need within our local area.

Since our inception in July 2007, we completed the following projects, some of which are on-going:

Military support group:  blanket/hat/scarf sets in red, white & blue for the children

San Diego Hospital neo-natal center:  blankets with matching hat/booties

St. Anthony of Padua parish in Denver:  hat/booty/blanket sets for infants; hat/scarf sets for children, teens & adults; and shawls/lap blankets for senior citizens

Fleece hats for Samaritan House

Crib sheets, blankets and hat/booty sets for the neo-natal center at St. Josephs Hospital

Bereavement gowns & fetal pouches, as well as 18x18 blankets, for Medical Center of Aurora

Hat/scarf sets for children and adults in Fr. Emilios parishes in northern Colorado

Rosary pouches for RCIT

Children's blankets for the St. Frances Cabrini youth pilgrimage to Mexico in 2008
Contact Information:

Karen Smoody (crocheting & knitting) 
303-791-8385 (smoothie27@q.com)

Mary Kay Schumacher (sewing)
303-979-8310 (grammashoe42@gmail.com)

Pat Padia (bereavement)
303-919-6808 (ppadia@aol.com)
2015 - 2016 Schedule


We meet one Saturday each month 
(except in December & sometimes in May). 
We will meet in Parish Hall B 
from 10am-3:00pm.

St. Rose of Lima, Patron Saint of Needleworkers
Loving Hands Group 2014
Loving Hands Group (2014)
Fr. Emilio's Afghan (August 2014)
Fr. Brady's Afghan (April 2013)
Fr. Sean's Afghan (May 2010)
Fr. Rick's Afghan (February 2012)
Delivery to St. Joe's NICU (November 2011)
Delivery to Avelina at St. Anthony of Padua (November 2011)
Delivery to Fr. Emilio in Johnstown (November 2011)
Unless otherwise notified via e-mail or in the parish bulletin, bring a lunch and drink if you plan to stay all day.  There are also a few fast-food restaurants nearby if you wish to step out for some fresh air.  You do not have to stay all day...some prefer to join us for just a few hours in the morning or afternoon, depending on their personal preference.

From time-to-time, we may meet at someone's house for an extra day of socializing and crocheting/knitting.  If you would like to be a regular attendee to the group and want to be included in these events, please be sure to provide your phone number and home or e-mail address.
We welcome newcomers of all ages and are willing to teach you to knit and crochet.  All you need is the desire to learn and to share your creativity with an open and loving heart.  We also sew crib sheets and other items for St. Josephs neo-natal center, so seamstresses are invited to join us.  Please contact Karen if you would like to join our group.

For those who cannot physically attend but would like to crochet or knit at home, we welcome your talents and gifts of love!  You can download and print FREE patterns from the following websites you can find more if you google knitting patterns or crocheting patterns.    


We have needles and hooks, as well as a large supply of donated yarn; so if you need some, contact Karen.  If you prefer to use a special yarn for a project, feel free to use your own.
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