Community Life, Outreach and Assistance

Community Life, Outreach and Assistance

Community Life 

coming together to live a life in Christ...

All members of the Church, through baptism and confirmation, are called to participate in its mission.  Saint Frances Cabrini Parish relies on the good works of its parishioners to fulfill the roles in the Parish's many ministries, organizations, and committees.

As we strive to reach our full potential as Catholic Christians, we must be community with each other and reach out to those in need of our assistance.  

We are the body of Christ – we are His hands and feet – let us work together to bring the gospel message alive to all in our midst.  Please review the ministry opportunities below to discern how you are called to serve.
Karen Crum, Director
Community Life and Outreach
Karen Lotspeich, Assistant

Outreach and Assistance

We strive to be a community filled with the Holy Spirit by serving those in need of our assistance. We are the body of Christ – we are His hands and feet – let us work together to bring the gospel message alive to all in our midst.

We have several programs and groups that strive to reach their full potential as Catholics by reaching out in service.

Small Faith Sharing Communities

A Small Faith Sharing Community is usually a group of eight to twelve adults who gather in homes to discuss their lives in the light of the gospel and to share their faith through prayer, friendship and service.

Originally the early church lived their faith within small home-based communities. Gathered around their chosen presider, the community was small enough to allow a deep sharing of life and faith. When the community became larger, the church soon appreciated its need to divide into small groups - parishes.

Now the parish community is in the same situation in which the small community historically found itself, and so at Saint Frances Cabrini, Small Faith Communities have been forming over the past 20 years to provide an environment where quality sharing of faith and life can take place. Each community is unique in its membership and style of gathering. Click to learn more.

Ministry Life Groups

Men's Ministry

Men's Day of Prayer

Friday Morning Men's Group

Saturday Morning Men's Group
All men are invited to join the Saturday Morning Men’s Small Community. 
The first meeting is at 6:45 am in the Community House where we pray the Rosary to St. 
Joseph and for our families. The Rosary is followed by a faith sharing community 
meeting at 7:30 am where we form small groups of 6-9 men and read scripture, pray, and 
support each other’s life journey. 
For more information please call Mike Hays at 303-904-3111. Please feel free to stop in any Saturday. All men are welcome! 

That Man Is You!
That Man is You! is coming back for another wonderful 
year beginning Sat., Sept. 19th! 
St. Frances Cabrini Parish Saturday mornings Doors open at 6:15am. For all men of the parish regardless of age or marital status.

To register or to update your information, stop by the web site at  
That Man is You! is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of
the Catholic Faith and the wisdom of the Saints to develop the vision of a man 
fully alive.

Women's Ministry

ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) program at St. 
Frances Cabrini Parish is currently studying Mulieris Dignitatem, a great 
compliment to Pope John Paul’s II Letter to Women. For more information 
on ENDOW please refer to:

Mom's Network DETAILS

Piecemakers Quilting Group DETAILS
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