Social Ministry

Social Ministry


The Service and Social Ministries provide our parishioners with opportunities to serve our parish in relaxed and selective venues.

Our Service Ministry reaches out to serve fellow parishioners as they embrace their faith by celebrating the Sacraments and serve their parish in a community filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our Social Ministry provides our volunteer parishioners with an opportunity to nourish their formation as Catholics while attending seminars and participating in organizations that sponsor social activities and events that benefit charity here at St. Frances Cabrini Parish and in our community.

Phone: (303)953-7769

Administrative Assistant to the Pastor and Parochial Vicar/Director of Service and Social Ministry
An organization for retired persons. Cabrini offers driver safety classes twice a year to allow our seniors a discount on their insurance

Altar Servers
Students (Grade 5 and above) who are interested in assisting the priests of our parish in celebrating Sunday and Holiday Masses..

Provides grieving parish families with materials of consolation and referrals to family grief seminars, counselors and support groups.

Cabrini Dinner Group
Parishioners who share a fondness for gourmet cooking  and who meet periodically in each other's homes to share a meal and fellowship.

Cabrini Reception Teams
Parish volunteers who cater Funeral receptions for registered grieving families, First Communion and Confirmation receptions.

Commnuity Sunday Receptions
Coffee, Donuts and Beverages are served on the first Sunday of each designated month after all the morning Masses to foster fellowship and community. Various parish ministries sponsor a table to inform parishioners of their activities and events. A Welcoming table registers new parishioners during this time.

Homebound Ministry
This team of men and women are Mandated Eucharistic Ministers who visit the Homebound and take them communion on a scheduled basis.

Hospitality Teams of parish volunteers who host special parish events.

Knights of Columbus Council 9349
A catholic, fraternal organization of men who provide a variety of services to our parish and community, sponsor social events and contribute monetarily to charity while providing opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. All men of the parish are invited to join. 
Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Padre Pio Assembly an assembly of men dedicated to the patriotic enhancement of the order. Click here to visit our website.

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
A catholic organization of women who support the Knights of Columbus Mens Ministry, sponsor social events, contribute to various charities, etc. in addition to providing an avenue for personal and spiritual growth.

This team of men and women prepare the altar for the Daily and Funeral Masses and assist the priests as needed.

Sacred Linen Ministry
Parishioners who volunteer to take care of the Sacred Linen for the Altar  and the Albs for the Altar Servers 

Silver Strands
A social ministry for active senior citizens over the age of 55. Silver Strands meet once a month September through May for social events. Seminars are presented on various topics of interest. Ativities outside of the parish are popular.

St. Frances Cabrini Parish Singles
Parishioners 40 years of age and above (never married, divorced, widowed) share religious activities, parish social and community events.

Wedding Decorators
A team of parishioners who design and stage the décor of the altar and church for wedding services.

Wedding Rehearsal Couples
Teams of couples who prepare the bridal parties for their participation in wedding ceremonies.
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