These groups provide direction, coordination and support for developing and implementing works of charity and works of justice in our parish. If you would like to volunteer to help in any of these ministries, please contact...
Karen Mandolfo at (303) 978-1830
Purpose: The Mission of the Parish Respect Life group is to provide information and
education to deepen the understanding of our Parishioners on the sanctity of human life
and the humanity of unborn children, the moral evil of intentionally killing innocent
human beings—whether at the beginning of life or at its end—and the mission of the
Church to witness to and serve all human life. Also, it is to assist in providing pastoral
care for women with problems related to pregnancy; for all who have been involved in
abortion; for those who are disabled, sick and dying, and their families and caregivers; for
those who have lost loved ones to violent crime; and for those in prison sentenced to
death. In addition, we direct efforts at the parish level to restoring legal protection to the
lives of unborn children and those vulnerable to pressures to end their lives by assisted
suicide, and to providing morally acceptable alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide.
And, finally, we direct and participate in the sacramental life of the Church and in
programs of communal and individual prayer, that the culture of death that surrounds us
today will be replaced by a culture of life and love.
We unite our efforts with the many institutions and organizations of the Church as they
unite in an unprecedented effort to restore respect and legal protection for every human
life—to be what the Holy Father asks us to be: a people of life and a people for life (The
Gospel of Life, no.78). It is our hope and expectation that in focusing on the need to
respect and protect the lives of the innocent unborn and those who are disabled, ill
(physically or mentally), or dying, we will help to deepen respect for the life of every
human being.
Meetings: We invite anyone interested in assisting the Holy Father in this mission, our
mission, to join us when we come together to plan activities. Watch the bulletin for those
times and dates! All are welcome!!
Meetings: We invite anyone interested in joining the Respect for Life call Karen at 303-978-1830.
“Sixty eight percent of women in a survey of thousands of women said they received little to no information prior to their abortion. If they would have known what they know now, they would have never consented to their abortion.”
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